July 4, 2011


It's been two weeks since we decided to move across the country to attend Emory's MDiv program.  I waver between extreme excitement and asking myself "What the heck am I doing?"  One thing I will definitely miss is conversations with my friends and family.  We would sit and talk (usually involving tea and ALWAYS over food) over all sorts of things we did during our week.  And it depresses me that this won't be a weekly event anymore.  So, one way to fix this is by sharing my thoughts and ideas through a blog.  I've always wanted to start a blog but felt intimidated about putting my ideas out for the world to judge and critique.  But this is not what a blog necessarily has to be about.  Instead it's a way to help digest my thoughts and ideas I know I will learn by moving across the country, making new friends, and going to a new school.  This new semester will be a time of adventure!

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